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viernes, 5 de agosto de 2022

Final English Project

 Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

what exactly is PBL?
Project based learning is much different than just throwing a project into your curriculum. Project based learning is a shift in the entire way you teach and run your classroom. Take a look at the chart below that compares project based learning with traditional classrooms:

Chart comparing PBL learning to traditional instruction

One of the biggest differences between PBL and traditional instruction is that you as the teacher are not in the driver’s seat. You pose a question to them that they will need to solve, but they drive the process. This question is generally complex, will need a lot of research to answer, and will cover more than one discipline (see the 2nd blog post in this series to learn more about driving questions).

Why choose PBL?
Imagine a classroom where students are truly engaged in the content, they feel like the concepts are applicable to their lives, and they have to use critical thinking skills on a daily basis in order to solve a problem. Project based learning can take that student who usually zones out in class and turn him or her into a leader. When you choose the right topic, it brings your content to life and students feel like they have ownership over their learning. I’m currently in my 3rd year teaching PBL, and I’ve seen engagement skyrocket. Not only that, but learning goes much deeper. In PBL, students solve a real problem, opposed to doing a traditional project like build a model of a cell that doesn’t require any critical thinking.

One criticism of PBL…
One thing that students might complain about is that the majority of the PBL process is done in groups. If you have a student that doesn’t like working in groups then they might complain. One way to combat this problem is:

  • Always have a group product and an individual product to grade. That way students aren’t completely relying on their group members to get a good grade.
  • Create team roles that work with everyone’s strengths. Not everyone likes to be creative, just like not everyone likes to write or use technology. For example, you might have a project where students need to create a cookbook. You can have one student research the recipes and nutritional content. The second student might be in charge of cooking the recipe and taking pictures. A third student might like computers and wants to put the electronic cook book together and edit. If you pick diverse team roles then everyone should have a role that they are comfortable with.

What are the steps of PBL?
Project based learning occurs in 7 main steps. In the next blog post, I will cover the entry event, driving question, and student need-to-knows. In the 3rd blog post, I will talk about the meat of the project- creating the product and all that comes with it. In the last blog post I will discuss why it is so important to have a public audience and build community partnerships.

PBL Flow chart

Clarifying Terminology…
Before you continue, there are 2 words you need to know so you don’t get confused. The words “project” and “product” mean very different things in the PBL process.
The PROJECT is the overall process of PBL that includes the 7 steps listed above. It is everything needed to complete the process from start to finish.
The PRODUCT is what students create at the end of the project to demonstrate their learning. It might be an essay, a cookbook, a podcast, or a fundraiser.


sábado, 21 de mayo de 2022

A holiday experience


My vacations on the beach

After finishing classes and in the month of August, we went on a trip to de-stress, first we weigh where to go, then we look at the costs.

We decided to travel to the beach, while we were traveling in the car, my daughter spilled a glass of juice on the seats, we all ended up wet, when we got to the beach everyone thought of going swimming, but I didn't want to, I was hungry. They went to have fun and I went to look for an encebollado, when they returned tired from playing so much, they didn't want to swim with me anymore, I had to swim alone and they went to rest.

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2022




La didáctica es importante en la pedagogía y la educación porque permite llevar a cabo y  con calidad la tarea docente, seleccionar y utilizar los materiales que facilitan el desarrollo de las competencias y los indicadores de logro, evita la rutina, posibilita la reflexión sobre los diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje. Evita las improvisaciones que provoca el trabajo desordenado y poco eficaz; se adhiere al actuar con seguridad sobre la base prevista y sobre las necesidades propias de cada grupo de alumnos.

Facilita la organización de la práctica educativa para articular los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de calidad y con el compromiso adecuado para establecer explícitamente las intenciones de enseñanza-aprendizaje que va a desarrollar el docente en cada actividad y en el entorno educativo. Por otra parte posibilita planear de manera estructurada y desarrollar el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje respondiendo a qué, quiénes, dónde, cómo y porqué orientar con arte el proceso de aprendizaje de los niños en la realidad cotidiana del aula. Por lo cual implica fundamentalmente unos pasos de previsión, selección y organización de todos los elementos que componen la situación del aprendizaje.



La didáctica general se define como el arte de enseñar a todos, es decir es una herramienta que permite la enseñanza a un grupo de individuos teniendo en cuenta los potenciales, habilidades, características y necesidades en general, aplicando métodos y estrategias que contribuyan al desarrollo cognitivo de todos los integrantes del grupo sin perder de vista su individualidad; busca alcanzar objetivos educativos generales, además estudia los elementos comunes de la enseñanza que construyen el currículo con modelos descriptivos, explicativos e interpretativos.


La didáctica diferencial es aquella que tiene en cuenta el desarrollo educativo individual de cada estudiante, su rango de edad, características, destrezas, debilidades, necesidades y fortalezas, así como la atención a la diversidad que se pueda presentar en un grupo.


La didáctica especifica es la que tiene en cuenta los objetivos de la enseñanza a partir de un área específica, como matemática, lingüística, ciencias… aplicando las normas de la didáctica general.

Didactica (Definición, caracteristicas)


Autor: Alejandra Rosero

Asignatura: TIC



La didáctica es una herramienta pedagógica que se aplica de manera simultánea con otros métodos de enseñanza para garantizar el máximo desempeño en el proceso de aprendizaje. Es de gran utilidad para docentes en estudios y rompe con los esquemas de la educación convencional, ya que estimula y refuerza la constante interacción entre los estudiantes y el profesor forjando así un flujo de conocimientos efectivo y, resultando así en la adquisición del conocimiento de manera óptima.


Por otra parte la didáctica en el proceso educativo se encarga de:
  • Observar y analizar patrones.
  • Conocer y efectuar principios de enseñanza.
  • Practicar y conocer métodos y técnicas de enseñanza.
  • Conocer los procesos educativos.
  • Ubicar las diferentes etapas de formación.
  • Estudiar las leyes de la formación académica.


Final English Project

  Problem-Based Learning  (PBL) what exactly is PBL? Project based learning is much different than just throwing a project into your curricu...